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24 Carat Conversations

Dec 20, 2021

Last week Sunny shared Part 1 of her story, Sunny shares how God used her story to help others in their journey.

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Dec 13, 2021

This is Part One of a Two Part Series on the Story of Sunny Cain and Spiritual Abuse. She candidly shares her story and how she has overcome and is helping others in their faith journey.

Sunny Cain is a catalytic communicator who “brings the sunshine” wherever she goes.  A dynamic leader who engages people with...

Nov 15, 2021

Have you ever felt like God is silent? How can we hear his voice and not question what we know what he has spoken to us.

We discuss our journey with doubt and disappointments and how we can hear His voice even in ways we may not understand.

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Nov 1, 2021

What is on the other side of fear? If we allow fear to dictate our circumstances we can get stuck and become stagnant. This week we discuss how to overcome fear and what is on the other side when we step out in faith.



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Sep 20, 2021

Part 2 of Divorce and the Church! Stacy shares the rest of her story and Gods incredible grace in a dark season of her life! 

Stacy is a divorcee', Mom to her beautiful 25 year old daughter and mentor to women going through the divorce journey.  Raised in church and a long time believer, Stacy has a passion to...